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Yummy Delicious Raw food

YummyDelicious.com - Nature in the Raw - fresh raw fuits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plus spouted grains and legumes - believe it or not can captivate the tastebuds and create addictions for all that is right and good with the finest food. Herbs, seasonings, dehydrating and careful preparation equal stupendous flavors and textures like no other. And, your body may glow and grow more radiant and youthful.

YummyDelicious.com - Nature in the Raw - fresh raw fuits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plus spouted grains and legumes - believe it or not can captivate the tastebuds and create addictions for all that is right and good with the finest food. Herbs, seasonings, dehydrating and careful preparation equal stupendous flavors and textures like no other. And, your body may glow and grow more radiant and youthful.

Raw food can truly be a miracle. There are hundreds of thousands, even millions of stories of how people overcame disease, obesity, illness and general ill health by simply changing their diet to include much more raw food, if not solely and wholly raw food.

The raw food diet has been accredited with innumerable claims to heal, cure, treat innumerable health problems. How does one find out if this diet could work for them? Likely one way is simply to give it a try.

It can take time to acclimate to such a diet. For one thing, the digestive system may not have the digestive capacity to deal with raw food especially if it is not chewed properly. That is why many find it much easier to juice or blend their raw fruits and vegetables.

For others, changing to a raw diet may be a more gradual procedure. It would include adding more salads, smoothies and juices to one’s current diet while incrementally increasing the amount daily or weekly.

soon, one may find that the health benefits they experience justify including many more raw fruits and vegetables until the majority of their foods are uncooked.

Many believe the healthiest food in the world is raw food.

It’s the way Nature intended for us to eat, and our systems were, and still are, specifically designed to derive maximum nutrition from it.

Other Benefits

If we do eat lots of the right raw food, interesting things are likely to happen. For instance: skin grows smoother, whites of eyes turn whiter, energy levels increases, aches and pains tend to go away, hair grows better, breath is fresher, on and on.

BUT… and there is a big BUT… (yes, even the Big But* goes away with raw food)

Who wants to eat it?? Yuck you say!

That, my friends, is indeed the dilemma.

Now if you are, say, Angelina Jolie, and you’re preparing for your next blockbuster, and the Director says, “Lose those zits and the saggy-baggys,” what do you do?

Why, you embark upon a raw regimen, lots of exercise, spa and massage stuff, and get ready to look and feel your very best.

Well, if I was to get 20 mill for my next movie, I might do all that, too. No doubt. But otherwise, why would I, or anyone, want to give up on one of Life’s GREATEST pleasures – the eating of tasty trashy dee-lightful junk food?

Let me tell you a secret… raw food can be absolutely, stunningly yummy delicious. So good, in fact, that your tastebuds will scream for more. Truth!

As you become accustomed to the raw delicacies, your body and tastebuds gradually acclimate so that the old goodies sound horrid (like greasy old fried chicken with day old biscuits), and your cravings lean towards something fresher, lighter.

Can you believe that? No? Well, it’s true! Unless you’re a diehard fast food fanatic, and your habit has become an obsession, in which case you may have to do a little higher kind of cold turkey withdrawal.

Sure, you may want to occasionally inject yourself with a dose of terrifically decadent meat, dripping with fat and oozing with sauce. If you slip, we won’t tell if you don’t.

But, hang tough – all good and great things come with a price.

Your new found glowing beauty, energy, vitality and clearer thinking will thank you for it.

So, join us in celebrating the new you with, Food in the Raw!

First Almost Raw Recipe for Raw Newbies

Assemble the following:

1 big scoop natural organic ice cream, your favorite flavor
1 organic apple with seeds
1 organic carrot
1 organic banana
1 organic orange
1 bottle of genuine sparkling mineral water
1 head of cabbage (haha! just trying to scare you – ditch the cabbage! : )

Cut up small pieces apple, carrot,  banana, peeled orange, toss into blender. Cover with sparkling mineral water. Blend to frothy goodness. Add ice cream or full cream organic yogurt. Blend a bit more, serve.

Unbelievably good.


Fresh frozen mango – wow!
Fresh Mango
Fresh or fresh frozen organic berries
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.
Fresh or high quality coconut milk – so good!!!
Add some green romaine – interesting color, can’t even taste!

Be inventive, and, drink your mistakes! : )

A fabulous fresh start to rawfoodism!

Come back soon to your next big step… we’ll be back!

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