Eat Your Vegetables!

Vegetables nourish the body and the soul. Hearty, strengthening, bold, tasty!
It has been said that raw vegetables and Hippocrates Soup can Heal the Sick.
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Yummy Delicious Food Separator
Vegetables can be a lovem' hatem' kind of food.

Remember Mom's childhood advice? "Eat your vegetables."

And, most likely your response was, "Ugh!"

Why? Perhaps there were some tepid canned greyish peas, broccoli, or mushy flavorless carrots. Maybe a salad with sour dressing and blah greenish leaves with bits of unidentifiable compost residue.

One harried mother I know was famous for her "fresh green peas" right out of the frozen box. Her words, "Cold and Delicious! Now eat'em!"

Bless her heart - she knew she had to provide those vegetables some how, some way to her family, harried as she was with her extremely busy schedule.

And then - did you ever see the movie, "War Games" with Matthew Broderick? An awesome movie from a seemingly more innocent time BW. (Before "Windows.")

Matthew's Movie Mom served luscious corn on the cob - completely raw. Ummm... said her hubby, Not!

And he had buttered it with his buttery bread. Still no go. :O

What does all this mean? Why, it means vegetables are infamous for their Un-Yum-ness! A bane to all tastebuds, young and old.

Oh, but good, great News!

Vegetables can be the most delicious food on earth. Fresh, frozen, raw or cooked, unbelievably fabulous for the most discriminating palates.

There are quite a few vegetable-tricks-of-trade.

For starters, extraordinary dressings and toppings. For another, organically grown. Then, there's international specialties that have 2000 or more years of taste perfecting. Some recipes are timeless classics just because they're so darn dee-lish.

Eventually, we will have a tremendous drop down list - but for now, a few hints, tips, tricks, and recipes... tomorrow! :p

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